Silent Hill: The Short Message is an upcoming episodic first-person horror game that continues the franchise. The brief trailer showcases a distressed student contemplating suicide but is unexpectedly transported to another world. While no release date has been announced, the upcoming game will be available for free to all players.
As the years go by, PlayStation’s State of Play event brings a host of new game announcements and trailers. The horror community is not left out, and Silent Hill fans can now celebrate with the announcement of a new entry in the series. Titled Silent Hill: The Short Message, the upcoming horror game promises to be a captivating experience.
Trigger Warning: The storyline includes mature content, sensitive subjects, and topics related to self-harm. Please proceed with caution.
From the glimpse provided in the short trailer, Silent Hill: The Short Message appears to be an episodic adventure centered around a depressed student with suicidal tendencies. The unnamed protagonist jumps off a building in a desperate act, only to find herself transported to a nightmarish realm.
The footage then transitions to intense first-person gameplay, with the player navigating through a horrifically designed yet claustrophobic map, searching for an exit. The game delivers the familiar Silent Hill horror experience, featuring eerie elements such as unsettling wall designs, dark environments, and more. However, the highlight of the showcase is an ominous, malformed presence that stalks the protagonist as she moves through the environment.
Silent Hill: The Short Message is available today for PS5, with the exciting news that the full game is free to play. Additionally, confirmation has been given that Silent Hill 2 is currently in development for the PS5. If you’ve been anticipating the release of the original game, it seems you’ll have to wait a bit longer.
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